How to Tell if Youf Boyfriend Wants to Break Up
Being dumped unexpectedly is one of the worst experiences you can have. From the outside of a relationship looking in, it's almost always just a bit more obvious that a break up is about to happen, but from inside it, you might have no idea what's just around the corner. If you're not sure what's going on in your relationship, be on the lookout for these signs of impending trouble:
Something just feelsoff.
The most common sign that something is seriously wrong is that something just doesn't feel right between the two of you anymore. Usually, this is a sign that he's unhappy with how the relationship is going. If you're able to talk it out, you may still be able to salvage it at this stage. If he's not willing to open up about his issues, this might just mean you may need to prepare yourself.
Everything is more important than you to him.
If you're the last thing he's worried about, and the last thing that's ever on his mind, it's a sign that he doesn't care enough to keep this thing going. In fact, he's probably already checked out.
Things that used to bother him don't bother him at all anymore.
Remember how he used to get all ticked off when you would flirt with other guys? Those were the good ol' days. Now he seems to even be encouraging you to chat with people that aren't him. This is a sign that he's given up.
Your sex life is nonexistent.
If a guy loses interest in sleeping with you, it's a sign that he's ready to move on. This is a doubly bad sign if sex is the most common way he's shown affection to you.
He's now spending more time with female friends than you, and you're getting the feeling that he's confiding in them about you.
This is basically a sign that the female friends are now taking priority over you. It's also the definition of an emotional affair. Typically, guys aren't the ones who have emotional affairs. If he ends up having one, it's usually a sign that he's already moved on without breaking up with you.
He seems annoyed with the fact that you want attention, a date, or sex.
Should this happen, it's a sign that he either needs space or that you need a new boyfriend… or both.
You put all the effort into the relationship.
Simply put, some guys actually will put no effort into a relationship in hopes that the girl will get frustrated and break up with him. You shouldn't have to shoulder 100% of the relationship weight on yourself. Do yourself a favor and beat him to the finish line by kicking him to the curb.
He's not even trying to be attractive to you anymore.
Shaving? He stopped doing that. Making you swoon with jokes? Hasn't happened in a while. Though this can be chalked up to feeling comfortable in a relationship, the truth is that neither partner should ever stop chasing.
He's saying things that he never would have said years ago.
If he's calling you fat, telling you to stop being so clingy, or saying similarly hurtful things, this relationship is already dead. At this point, you've devolved into his personal punching bag, and any interest in your feelings have gone out the window.
You both seem to have more bad days than good ones.
This is a sign you should probably be dumping him. Relationships are supposed to make you feel better, not worse.
It's clear that he's looking for someone else, or that he's already cheated.
Is he actively scoping out new girls? Did you catch him on Tinder, chatting up women? If he's looking for another mate, chances are that he's going to dump you once he finds one. Even if he's not going to dump you, do you really want a guy who has a side chick?
Finances suddenly got tight, but he's still getting the same amount of work.
This might only be obvious if you're living together, or if you tend to spend a lot of money on each other. If he seems to be low on cash all the time, chances are that he's saving up money to move out. This also is a classic sign of a divorce "escape plan," so if you're married, you may want to batten down the hatches fast.
You no longer factor into his future plans.
Back when you first started, he'd talk about marriage and kids. Now, he's backing away from those plans and all talk about the future has ground to a halt. The reason he stopped talking about plans with you is because he doesn't see a future with you.
Confrontation is avoided at all costs.
You don't fight, even when you should. Instead of confronting issues, everything is swept under a rug. This is a recipe for disaster, no matter what way you cut it.
You've begun to get your needs filled elsewhere.
This usually happens when you feel like asking your main squeeze for affection is too difficult. If you're about to cheat, you can be sure that he's probably going to leave you when he finds out.
It's beenconstant fighting.
It almost seems like he's picking arguments at the drop of a hat. He's accusing you of things you didn't do. The smallest things set him off. Every day is an explosion of anger and vitriol from his mouth. If he's taking this route, it's because he's actively trying to come up with a reason to break it off without him having to take all the blame.
He's painting the town red without you.
It's one thing to have a guy's night out every so often, but when he's constantly going out without even consulting you, it's a sign he wants out of the relationship.
You can't agree on major life decisions.
You want two kids, he wants none. You want an apartment in London, he's a Brooklyn boy. Being unable to agree to major life decisions often means that you will end up splitting up.
You just got diagnosed with a serious illness.
Men are six times more likely to abandon a sick partner than women. (Why do we need guys again?)
Talking, especially romantically, has crawled to a halt.
You can't remember the last time that he told you that he loved you, called you a pet name, or anything similar. This is a sign that the love has gone.
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How to Tell if Youf Boyfriend Wants to Break Up
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