Assingment Observation on Non Verbal Communication of a Teacher
This paper attempted to investigate the use of various forms of non- verbal cues that are relevant to language teaching. It also examined its benefit to language education. Qualitative and quantitative research methods That is, survey research design and focus discussion group methods were adopted. The total number of 210 Copies of questionnaires was administered on the students while 23 different copies of questionnaires was also administered on the teachers apart from a ten member focus group discussion organized to elicit information about their experiences in the use of non verbal communication. Findings showed that though the teachers were awarded of the benefit of non verbal communication to language teaching, they do not have access to those non-verbal instructional materials that are most essential. This is therefore having negative effect on the academic performance of the students. Finally, the paper offers some recommendations on the availability and how the knowledge of non-verbal communication will improve the academic achievements of English language learners as well as making the task of impacting knowledge an easy one for the teachers also.
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ISSN 2348-3024
428 | Page September 11, 2014
This paper attempted to investigate the use of various forms of non- verbal cues that are relevant to language teaching. It
also examined its benefit to language education. Qualitative and quantitative research methods That is, survey research
design and focus discussion group methods were adopted. The total number of 210 Copies of questionnaires was
administered on the students while 23 different copies of questionnaires was also administered on the teachers apart from
a ten – member focus group discussion organized to elicit information about their experiences in the use of non verbal
communication. Findings showed that though the teachers were awarded of the benefit of non verbal communication to
language teaching, they do not have access to those non-verbal instructional materials that are most essential. This is
therefore having negative effect on the academic performance of the students. Finally, the paper offers some
recommendations on the availability and how the knowledge of non-verbal communication will improve the academic
achievements of English language learners as well as making the task of impacting knowledge an easy one for the
teachers also.
Key words: Influence; Nonverbal Communication; Teaching; Language Education
Council for Innovative Research
Peer Review Research Publishing System
Journal: Journal of Advances in Linguistics
Vol. 4, No. 3
ISSN 2348-3024
429 | Page September 11, 2014
Communication is a wheel that keeps a human community going because it is through it that various people in the society
can interact, inform, teach, persuade and entertain one another. Current Foreign Language Methodology maintains that
language is communication (Allen, 1999) According to Canale and Merril (1980), communication is the exchange and
negotiation of information between at least two individuals through the use of verbal and nonverbal symbols. Experts in
non-verbal communication estimate that at least 65% of the meaning in any social situation is conveyed non-verbally
(Burgoon, Buller and Woodall, 1989). Communication can generally be classified into verbal and non-verbal. Non-verbal,
which is often referred to as 'wordless communication', 'communication without words', 'silent language', 'language within
language', etc, is a significant aspect of the communication process and its use is mostly culturally determined (Aina,
2003). Verbal communication refers to all forms of communication that involves the use of words either in spoken or in
written form.
Non-verbal communication refers to all forms of communication that do not involve the use of words. It is usually
expressed in some other methods like using parts of the body attitudes or action rather than words (Asubiojo, Adewusi
and Oyediran, 2005). It takes place intentionally and unintentionally.
Non-verbal communication is the oldest form of communication because it originated from the time of the early
man.Frominfancy, when a child cannot express himself or herself verbally, non-verbal communication serves as important
channelthrough which a baby passes information to his or her parents. Non-verbal communication also includes postures,
glance,eye contact, vocal nuance, proximity, gestures, colours, signs, sounds, diagrams, paralanguage among others.
It is an important aspect of human communication because a lot can be communicated even without uttering a word.
Moreover, it is used to reinforce and complement verbal messages because normal human interaction depends to some
extent on non-verbal cues. The effectiveness of non verbal communication permits dialogues to take place within an
assured framework. It is important to note that by nodding, smiling, eye-contact etc, both parties to a dialogue can
determine whether to continue or stop the on- going discussion. Some of the major types of non verbal communication are
highlighted below.
Kinesics: A situation when body movement communicates meaningfully with or without words. It is most essential when
describing the size of an object or directing a stranger to find a particular location.
Le haptics: it entails the act of touching. It is most essential when a communicator intends to express affection, to calm or
to interrupt depending upon the content.
Vocalic: it is the extra-linguistic aspect of communication that is concerned with the voice rather than the words of the
speaker such that changes in a speaker's voice can be used to express different emotions or feelings.
Artifacts: This is an object language. It involves all intentional and unintentional display of material things such as
implements, machines, art objects, architectural structures (as well as) the human body. For instance black colour
indicates a bad omen or mourning mood while white connotes happiness. (Oladipupo, 2005).
Proxemics: This is a language of space which is also known as space or distance communication. Different kinds of
distance can be kept by a speaker to communicate different specific messages.
Chronemics: Chronemics is the communication through the use of time. However what time communicates and individual
attitude to time varies from one society to another.
A large percentage of information is actually passed through non-verbal means of communication because most of the
messages we receive or send are from non-verbal rather exact words we speak. Some other advantages of non- verbal
communication are listed below:
1.Non-verbal communication serves as reinforcement to verbal communication.
2.It serves as a good substitute when communication breaks down.
3.It is usually simple and therefore easy to understand.
4.It is less expensive to use.
5.It can be used to regulate interaction, that is, non-verbal cues can be used to express when and when not to speak
6.It is multidimensional, that is unlike verbal communication which has only two modes (i.e. speaking and writing) non-
verbal communicates with the use of pictures, dressing, colours, sounds, materials, actions, positions of the body,
distance among others.
Education is the surest tool for the full emancipation and development of the individual as well as society they live. It is
afact that education of any form cannot take place without communication. However, most people are of the opinion that
education can only take through verbal communication alone. It is therefore necessary to note non-verbal communication.
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430 | Page September 11, 2014
No teacher can impact knowledge without adopting non-verbal communication of different forms. Kellogg and Lawason
(1993) maintain that 82% of all teachers' communications are non-verbal. Pennycook (1985) suggests that the constant
interplay between verbal and non-verbal modes of communication must be considered in order to fully understand
language acquisition. It is also pointed out that since non-verbal and verbal communication are complementary
constituents of the whole process of interaction, knowledge of non-verbal can help students reach a fuller stage of foreign
language communication (Kirch, 1979). The teaching of English Language which is a second language in Nigeria usually
demands the non-verbal skills of both teachers and students. Infacts, many language teachers would agree that they rely
more on non-verbal cues for effective teaching than teachers of other disciplines. Visual aids of all kinds are to the English
Language learner what laying brick is to the apprentice bricklayer. It should also be noted that there is a wide area of
teacher non-verbal activity which is directly related to the aims of language teaching. Some common types of non-verba0l
communication that are relevant to teaching of English Language are discussed below:
Body movement
This refers to a situation when body movements are used to pass information. It can be broken into several components:
facial expression, eye contact, gestures, and body postures. Movement of the face and body can give clues to a person's
personality and emotionality state. Mere looking at a student can assist the teacher to know whether he/she understands
what is being taught or not. This clue can also signal a wide range of learners' emotions such as fear, happiness, sadness,
anger, surprise and interest. Facial expression of a learner can also serve as feedback to the teacher to know whether the
learners are really following his discussion or not. Body posture can also convey a learner's attitude towards the
interaction (e.g. relaxation, interest and boredon). Gestures and head movements are always used to show points of
emphasis while hand movements can be used to add visual meaning to what has been said. For instance, one can use
hand movements to discuss how big or small an object movements, parts of body Therefore, synonym
antonym and some other aspects of language can be clearly explained with the adoption of gestures, head
These are visual presentations of information in simple, clear and logical manner for easy understanding and interpretation
when knowledge is being impacted. It is usually presented through pictures, drawings, graphics, video clips, power point
among others.
The visuals illustrations that are further explained in words can also be found in text books, journals, articles, posters in
order to sustain the attention and to facilitate learning and understanding. In the course of teaching, a teacher can present
pictures or drawings of a male and female, boy and girl, and, tall object and short object when explaining words and their
opposites. It should be noted that pictures are old forms of communicating. It includes drawings and paintings of stones,
walls, papers among others with the use of writing materials. Invention of camera has made it easy to produce and
reproduce beautiful and exact pictures of the materials needed for learning.
Statistical Presentations
This consists of numbers and can be expressed in diagrams, charts, tables, figures, graphs, and plates. Table are
collections of numerical data arranged in columns, and rows; figures refer to geometric diagrams, pictorial representations
of textual matters e.g. charts and maps, while plates are photographs and other illustrations on glossy paper
Voice deal with the extra-linguistic aspect of communication in language teaching, different voice pitches can be used to
express different types of sentences. For instance, the following sentences can be differentiated through the use of
different voice pitch or intonation.
(i) You have come.
(ii) You have come?
(iii) You have come!
Also, a person's tone while speaking reflects that he is angry, hostile, friendly, sober, excited and so on. Duration of pause
also communicates. It could means that the person pausing is thinking of what to say or overwhelmed by effect of what the
other has said.
It should be noted that the teacher's intonation and speech rhythm should be so moderated so that the message being
passed will come out clearly, because a harsh voice which is too loud or a soft voice which is too low to be heard is not
likely to carry the message home to the entire class.
Generally, people rely on non-verbal communication in order to encode and decode communicative messages. Nonverbal
cues are used to mark units in which utterances are produced and also help the speaker activates and recall words,
thoughts, images and ideas that become part of the utterances (Burgoon, Buller and Woodall, 1989) It is also possible for
ISSN 2348-3024
431 | Page September 11, 2014
the utterances to be naturally segmented in to discernible units or phonemic clause by the voice qualities of pitch, rhythm,
loudness, intonation, accentuation, syllabication, and the pause.
Combining body movements with instruction in the intonation of English facilitates learners' acquisition of the pitch and
rhythm of the language. This auto synchronization helps learners know where to segment sentences into phonemic
clauses, thus, enhancing language encoding. Ekman (1980) also identifies eight types of illustrators which perform
different functions in nonverbal communication. These illustration are batons, underliners, ideographs, kinetographs,
pictographs, rhythmic, spatial and deictic.
Nonverbal Communication in Language Decoding
Communications rely on nonverbal cues not only to encode but also to decode or comprehend messages. Nonverbal
contribute to the understanding of messages in three ways; by heightening attention, by providing additional context and
by facilitating recall. Apart from these, it also facilitates comprehension by activating concepts already stored as mental
representations in the students memories (Allen, 1999) Allen and Vallen (1994) observe that gestures can be used to
convey the meanings of specific words such as descriptive adjectives, prepositions of place, and action verbs.
Nonverbal in Instruction Models
Gestures play an important role in instructional models. The underlying concepts are that simple actions associated with
language will facilitate retention. New vocabulary in the direct method can be presented by paraphrases, by miming the
action or by manipulating objects. Hands gestures are also used to indicate where further work is needed and to elicit
desired responses from the learners' in the classroom situation.
Nonverbal as Teaching Strategies and in Classroom management
There are various indications in which nonverbal cues are used as effective teaching strategies and in class management.
In this regard, nonverbal are usually adopted to:
(i) Vary tempo
(ii) Control participation
(iii) Signal changes
(iv) Indicates who is to respond
(v) Cue choral response
(vi) Mark beginnings and ends of lessons
(vii) Give students an idea of what to expect (Allen 1999)
Barnett (1983) suggests that teachers develop a standard set of hand or arm gestures. For instance, some signals from
the teacher may indicate when students should listen, repeat or speak loudly. Apart from these, nonverbal communication
can also be used to promote dialogue. The teacher can point or establish eye-contact to pair students for group work, be
silent to encourage reluctant students to participate and smile or nod to encourage and support students
The population of the study is made up of both teachers of English language and senior secondary students of selected
secondary schools in Osogbo 23 teachers were randomly selected from 10 selected secondary schools which include
eight public and two private secondary schools. 210 students were selected from the 10 selected secondary schools it
consists of 21 students from each of the 10 secondary schools selected. In other words, the total number of 233
respondents was selected in all.
The research instruments that were used were questionnaires and Focus Group Discussion in (FGD) Two different sets of
questionnaire was administered to both the teacher respondents and student respondents. Apart from this, a focus group
discussion was organized with a selected group of ten teachers in order to gain information about their views and
experiences in the adoption of nonverbal communication in the classroom teaching situations. This focus group
interviewing was particularly used for obtaining several perspectives about the topic in question.
Summary if Findings
From this study, the findings indicated that all the teachers of English language are aware of the use and relevance of
nonverbal communication in the teaching of English Language as a second language though they do not use it in all
necessary classroom situations in spite of the fact during their training as teachers, the importance of these instructional
media were emphasized. They do not use it as a result of poor class arrangement, overcrowded class, inadequate training
of financial problems and non-availability of suitable instructional media like power point, film, Television etc that are
usually needed during teaching.
Averagely, the level of students exposure to the use of nonverbal communication during the teaching of English Language
has significant influence on their academic performance. That is, to some extent, of nonverbal cues contributes positively
to their academic performances in their various academic works.
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432 | Page September 11, 2014
It is also discovered that most of the schools do not have modern facilities like video players, video clips, camera,
projector, films, power point etc that are needed for academic purposes in this digital age. However, it is discovered that
the only available nonverbal communication that are commonly used in all the schools include body movement, drawings,
diagrams, charts tables, figures, graphs and plates. The availability of these "traditional" nonverbal instructional materials
is probably due to the fact that it is less capital intensive. Thus, most teachers can individually afford it.
The findings also showed that the students who have access to most modern nonverbal instructional materials perform
relatively better than those students that were not exposed to it because it is discovered that the students of a few private
secondary schools who provide these facilities are performing relatively better academically.
The study also reveals that teachers use non-verbal communication during the teaching of English Language as a result of
various benefits that both teachers and students derive from it. Some of these benefits are highlighted below:
- They allow for smooth flow of discussion.
- They take less room than when words are used for description and explanation
- They reveal easily and more clearly data that may not be easily seen in narrative form.
- Non-verbal cues like pointing, nodding, smiling, eye contact among others serve as complements to oral
- They make teaching interactional in nature because there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that normal
human interaction depends to some extent on non-verbal cues.
- They are used to demonstrate meaning: It is a fact that most language teachers rely a great deal on simple
physical demonstration to drive home their points.
- They help teachers to individualize instruction, evaluate success and diagnose the cause of learner's failure
- The opportunity offered by video tape for editing, and for stopping for comment and discussion, and subsequent
replay makes it the best medium to use in teaching and learning situation.
- The use of nonverbal is inevitable;
i. When there seems to be breakdown communication between the teacher and the teacher and the student.
ii. When the topic is difficult to comprehend by the students.
iii. When words alone cannot clearly and adequately impact the intended ideas.
Though all these non-verbal cues are meant for improving teaching and learning, not all of them have been put in to
efficient use to achieve expected results. Therefore, in order to achieve these, the following steps should be taken by the
stakeholders in language education in order to improve the academic achievement of the learners, most especially English
Language Learners:
1. The study of non-verbal communication, most especially, the aspects that are relevant to teaching and learning
should be made compulsory for both the teachers and students at all levels of education
2. The use of audio visuals that are relevant to teaching and learning should be encouraged right from elementary
through secondary education to the tertiary level.
3. Audio-visual materials like tape, projectors films, etc. need to be made less costly by reducing various taxes on its
importation or production.
4. Seminars and conferences should be organized regularly to train and re-train the teachers on how to use non-
verbal communication to achieve better result.
5. Teachers should also ensure that their enthusiasm, confidence and interest should come out clearly in the tones
of their voices, stress pattern and intonation in order to effectively carry the students along.
6. Non-verbal communication such as drawing, chart and graphs should be presented as simple as possible. It
must also be clear and neat for it to achieve maximum result.
7. For language teacher to use non-verbal communication to achieve maximum result, a great deal of language
teaching must take place in smaller groups than at present.
8. Teacher should be made aware of their own nonverbal behaviour and learn to use that behavior more effectively
In order to progressive improve academic performance of the learners'.
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6. Babatunde, Folarin (1998): Issues in Applied Communication. Ibadan. Sterling Holden Publishers
7. Beernett, M.A. (2008): "Replacing Teacher Talk with Gestures: Nonverbal Communication in the FL Classroom"
Foreign Language Annals vol 16 issues 3
8. Bert Decker (1999): How to Communicate Effectively. Britain Kogan Page limited.
9. Burgoom, J.K, David, B.B, Woodall, W.G.(1989):Non verbal Communication . http
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Visual Language Journal Vol. xv. No2.
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... Likewise, evidence is available for the same tendencies such as use of eyecontact to establish or point student's pairing, silence for encouraging reluctant ones to participate in class, smiling, or nodding to support or appreciate students for the smooth functioning of the process. Better comprehension, flow of discussion, facilitative learning, and constructive interaction are the outcomes ensuring best performance and extensive learning of students (Akinola, 2014). ...
- Sana Zeb
The present study tried to highlight the influence non-verbal communication has on human interaction; academic conversation is specified to exemplify this construct for other spheres of life. It addresses whether teachers' non-verbal communication has an influence on students' performance, the students' perception regarding the non-verbal communication in academics and their respective impact were explored. Literature reflects that non-verbal communication has a significant role in human interactions; it not only elaborates but certainly clarifies the verbal message. The present study was devised to get subjective perceptions of students on board for presenting behavioural upshots serving academics. The sample of 37 Pakistani students of Quaid-i-Azam University within an age range of 19 to 24 years (M= 22.8, SD=1.77) responded to semi-structured interviews and their opinions were recorded in the form of interview transcriptions. Conventional content analysis was used for the analysis of data and categories were adjusted under two broader themes; perceived strong predictors of performance and perceived hurdles for students learning. Almost all individuals responded that non-verbal communication of teacher can be more influential than words. Findings of the study have great implications for behavioural management of people; teacher-student and other human interactions.
... Likewise, evidence is available for the same tendencies such as use of eyecontact to establish or point student's pairing, silence for encouraging reluctant ones to participate in class, smiling, or nodding to support or appreciate students for the smooth functioning of the process. Better comprehension, flow of discussion, facilitative learning, and constructive interaction are the outcomes ensuring best performance and extensive learning of students (Akinola, 2014). ...
- Rizwan Zeb
The concept of "good governance" has emerged as vital driving force in the past few decades to positively shape economic growth and sustainable socio-economic development across the globe in general and developing countries in particular. However, Pakistan's turbulent political landscape and deeply entrenched systemic corruption in the recent decades have utterly harmed the good governance at large, resulting in socio-economic developmental woes and increased sufferings of the people. This paper focuses on analysing the influences of good governance on the socio-economic development in Pakistan in the light of World Bank good governance indicator and also probe the impact of prevalent perceived corruption in the country in accordance with observation taken by Transparency International, UNDP, and other renowned State Institutions. The paper has emphasized on the last two decades to ascertain the contributory factors by using the appropriate qualitative / quantitative and statistical techniques that debilitated good governance in Pakistan and caused continual political instability, pessimism, and recurring political crises and undermined socio-economic development in the country. Based on the ascertained findings, the paper has identified impediments to existing governance situation and prevalence of corrupt practices and has proposed workable suggestions/ recommendations to assist policy makers, development planners, intellectuals, politicians, and succeeding governments in Pakistan to take corresponding structural or policy reforms to address the said hurdles.
... For instance, listen (hand cupped behind the ear), stop the noise (raised hand or clap), that's good (smile, nod or thumb up), not right (shake head or index finger) and so on (Scrivener, 2012). Moreover, Akınola (2014) stated that nonverbal behaviour could be used as a teaching strategy in classroom management. Thus, they are used to vary tempo, control participation, etc. Pan (214, p.2627) stated that nonverbal behaviour assists teachers to raise the tempo of the class during the pattern drills. ...
This paper aims at providing information about nonverbal communication and to state its use in EFL classes. Briefly, this paper introduces the definition, aspects and importance of nonverbal communication. Especially, this study explains some ways of using nonverbal communication in EFL classes, in order to have good classroom management in the class. Based upon this assumption, we aimed to shed light on this area of research, by showing that teachers' nonverbal behaviour plays a highly significant and essential role in foreign language classrooms for managing the students' behaviour. This study was conducted in Lefke, Northern Cyprus. The participants were two female English language teachers who were working at the English Preparatory School of Lefke. The study was qualitative in design and the data was gathered through interviews and reflective reports. A triangulation technique was used to enhance confidence in the ensuing findings. Cross-case analysis was used to examine and identify common themes between the cases. The results showed that nonverbal communication has a pivotal role in classroom management. In EFL classes in Northern Cyprus, in order to guide teachers to use nonverbal communication before verbal communication, some seminars or workshops should be organized regarding the use of body language in classroom management to improve teachers professionally. Keywords: Nonverbal communication, classroom management, communication *
This study was aimed at (1) analyzing kinds of non-verbal communications used by English teachers during the teaching and learning process, (2) revealing what kinds of teachers' non-verbal communications affect students' motivation during the learning process in the classroom, (3) discussing the contribution of non-verbal communications in English education. This study was a descriptive qualitative study conducted at SMPN 3 Banjar. The data were collected by video recording, questionnaire administration, and interviewing. There were 2 English teachers involved as the subject of this research, and 40 students of eighth grade in different classes were involved. The results of the study indicate teachers' non-verbal communication in SMPN 3 Banjar meets the seventh kinds of non-verbal communication proposed by Burgoon, Buller, and Woodall, (1994) as cited in Birjandi and Nushi (2014). It was also found that there are some kinds of non-verbal communication that affect students' motivation, namely facial expression, body movement, gestures, proxemics (proximity), haptics (touch), eye contact, and paralanguage. Gestures and paralanguage are considered as non-verbal communication that gives contribution to English education.
This article examines the importance of paralanguage (kinesics, proxemics, and paraverbal features) in communication. Gestures, facial expressions, interfactional synchrony, eye contact, use of space, touching, aspects of voice modification, and silence are shown to play a crucial role in human interaction and to be highly culture-specific. The implications of this broad paradigm of communication are discussed with respect to language development, and it is suggested that paralanguage be included as a primary facet of communicative competence. Finally, the importance of awareness of paralanguage in the classroom is discussed, and a number of suggestions are made to facilitate students' acquisition of paralanguage.
- Max S. Kirch
The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
- Nicholas Beattie
This article discusses nonverbal communication in its relation to teaching of foreign languages. Nonverbal communication is defined, evaluated, and discussed in terms of function, teacher personality, training techniques, and class arrangements. (CHK)
- Edward David Allen
- Rebecca M. Valette
The aim of the handbook, which is a revised and expanded edition of "Modern Language Classroom Techniques" (1972), is to show the teacher ways of implementing and supplementing existing materials. The suggested teaching procedures may be used with classes of varying sizes and levels, and with any method. Part One of this handbook presents an overview of the language class. Ways of preparing supplementary materials are briefly reviewed. A variety of procedures for classroom management is suggested. Part Two focuses on specific techniques for teaching the language itself, the sound system, grammar, and vocabulary. For the sake of simplicity, traditional grammar terminology has been used. Part Three presents ways of developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The aim of these procedures is to build up the student's ability to use the language as a vehicle for meaningful communication. The final section, Part Four, offers some suggestions for teaching culture, both daily life patterns and general civilization. The appendix contains sample lesson plans that show how several procedures and techniques may be integrated into a single class period. (Author/CFM)
- S Aina
Aina, S. (2003) Anatomy of communication. Abeokuta. Julian publishers
Issues in Applied Communication
- Folarin Babatunde
Babatunde, Folarin (1998): Issues in Applied Communication. Ibadan. Sterling Holden Publishers
Replacing Teacher Talk with Gestures: Nonverbal Communication in the FL Classroom
- M A Beernett
Beernett, M.A. (2008): "Replacing Teacher Talk with Gestures: Nonverbal Communication in the FL Classroom" Foreign Language Annals vol 16 issues 3
How to Communicate Effectively
- Bert Decker
Bert Decker (1999): How to Communicate Effectively. Britain Kogan Page limited.
Assingment Observation on Non Verbal Communication of a Teacher
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